Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Good Pages for Inspiration for Creative Multimedia Programmers

As well as the website I added in my profiles on these creative multimedia pages.

There are tonnes out there and these are just a few.

Issuu is great for putting your work online, you can create a magazine with your Creative Multimedia work. Good for a portfolio or photography collection you decide. 

Behance is a great place to see how your work is being rated Creative Designers can follow you, you can follow Creative Designers

My own Behance: 

Dribble is a new one to me and you have to be invited to upload your Creative Multimedia work, this just means you get to scope out a lot of other designers and hope that you move in the right circles to be invited to pop up some work. It will happen :) 

Another design page  so the first message I got while registering, 1 NO NUDITY 2 NO NONSENSE 3 NO SELF PROMOTION...............Interesting. 

I like the this one but what I didn't like was the image had to be a teeny size :( 

Business Page

Then link all your Creative Multimedia pages together using 

Have fun joining the other Creative Peeps on these sites and searching through their work and it's also a great way to promote and gather all your own Creative work in one place. 

Not to forget the Creative Multimedia Programmers (CODERS!)


Some Plugins to help you Creative Multimedia Photoshopers


30 Webdesign Tips for the Creative Multimedia peeps out there


Links for other Posts in Creative Multimedia Programming

Cathal O'Donnabhain:http://www.collyg.com/

Gimena Blanco:http://programmingmultimedia.wordpress.com/

Meabh Haugh:http://litcreativemultimediaprogramming.wordpress.com/

Darragh Kelly: www.darraghmkelly.com

Roisin Hayes: www.creativemultimediaprogramming999.blogspot.ie/

Pauline Vereker: www.pverekermultimedia.wordpress.com

Brian Rowan:http://brianrowanlimerick.wordpress.com

Jamin O Donovan:http://jaminodonovan.blogspot.ie/

Ger Duggan:http://www.gerardduggan.ie/

Easter for a Creative Multimedia Programmer

So I'm a chocolated Creative Multimedia Programmer after all the chocolate at Easter.
Nom NOm NOm noM!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Definition of Creative Multimedia Programming might be a good place to start.

You can then tick off each one and if you tick 3 you pass and can call yourself a CMPer

adjective: creative
  1. 1.
    relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.
    "change unleashes people's creative energy"
noun: creative; plural noun: creatives
  1. 1.
    a person whose job involves creative work.
    "the most important people in the mix will be creatives and direct marketing specialists"

adjective: multimedia; adjective: multi-media
  1. 1.
    (of art, education, etc.) using more than one medium of expression or communication.
    • (of computer applications) incorporating audio and video, especially interactively.
      "multimedia applications"
noun: multimedia; plural noun: multi-media
  1. 1.
    the use of a variety of artistic or communicative media.
    • an extension of hypertext allowing the provision of audio and video material cross-referenced to a computer text.

noun: programmer; plural noun: programmers; plural noun: programer; plural noun:programers
  1. 1.
    a person who writes computer programs.
    "computer programmers and analysts"
    • a device that automatically controls the operation of something in accordance with a prescribed program.
What is Creative Multimedia Programming I hear you ask?
What use is Creative Multimedia Programming?
Who does Creative Multimedia Programming mean?
Where would I do Creative Multimedia Programming?

I will answer this for you!!! Are you Creative? Can you develop Multimedia? Can you Programme?

If you can.......Congratulations!!! you are a Creative Multimedia Programmer!!! just like me :S